Homosexuality is being soft-pedaled in the conservative and Reformed churches. How this is done and how far it has spread is the subject of this series. And it is the subject of my up-coming book.
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Understanding the Heinousness of Sin from the Confession of Sam Allberry
Does The Gospel Coalition Believe in the Heinousness of Homosexuality?
The Gospel Coalition and A Children’s’ Book about Homosexuality
Russell Moore, Southern Baptist Convention and the Heinousness of Homosexuality
Some Thoughts on the Nashville Statement
The church, false teaching and the homosexual consensus
Cross-Dressing Words: When Being a Man Means Being a Woman
Here are articles showing the current state of science and politics on the LGBTQI issues:
The Second Sexual Revolution: Growing Consensus For Polygamy, Pedophilia
Transgenderism not result of erratic hormones scientists conclude
American Public Health Association admits LGB health problems, blames society
Supreme Court needs to read latest science on marriage: Gender and Parenthood