The Bible Tells Us So, R. B. Kuiper
This readable book is a short presentation and defense of the major truths of the Christian faith. It is an irenic work, with illuminating illustrations, and an excellent conclusion underlining the antithesis between regenerate and unregenerate, Christianity and Liberalism.
Writing against the liberalism and modernism of his day, Kuiper explains who God is, the salvation he wrought and the uniqueness of Christianity. The liberals of his day cried, “No creed, but Christ!” all the while watering down the work of the Savior. In contrast, he correctly maintains that Christianity is both doctrine and life; when defining saving faith he recognizes the danger of accepting Christ as a person without the Biblical propositions of who and what He is and the danger of accepting the propositions of Christ without the Biblical Person (p.97). The two must be wed.
It is imperative that the Church today fight the temptation to follow the siren call of old-school liberalism—many today, as I have heard with my own ears, utter the same trite comment: “No creed, but Christ!” Meanwhile, we wonder why high percentages of Evangelicals are becoming Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses. Proposition (doctrine) and Person (life) cannot be divorced.
This is only one of the many problems and issues covered in this book. Nevertheless, for a simple review of the basics or for encouragement in the faith, The Bible Tells Us So is recommended for old and young alike.