The Presbytery of the Dakotas, a regional collection of churches from the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC), will be meeting in Colorado this week for two days or more. Ministers from every church in the region and one elder from each church will meet at Reformation OPC to decide upon issues common among the churches.
Common issues include diaconate concerns, overtures, judicial matters, and missions. The Presbytery also examines men who are entering the ministry (1 Timothy 4:14). There is one man seeking ordination as a minister of the Gospel. And another man is seeking licensure (a time of probation, determining if his gifts edify the church).
Examination is done within committee first. If the men pass that examine, they are recommended to come before the Presbytery formally for examination by the members. Questions include any theological topic and any practical question of ministry.
This is also a time for local OPC churches to meet in fellowship. An evening worship service will be conducted on Tuesday night at 7pm.
Check back for updates on the meeting.