A word that is rarely used these days.
A word evoking emotions of disdain, loathing and hate.
An absolute word in a world of greys.
The evil that is Planned Parenthood is a simple evil: it is murder.
The evil that is Planned Parenthood is a broad evil: it is murder of an innocent life; it is thievery of a future life; it is defamation of a good name.
The evil that is Planned Parenthood is a deep evil: it is the result of an ever-increasing metastasizing evil in the hearts of too many Americans.
The evil that is Planned Parenthood is a self-serving evil: it is the wicked sinner’s attempt to excuse butchery and abominations in the name of freedom.
The evil that is Planned Parenthood is a theological evil: it is the fruit of the lie of Satan: you shall be as gods, determining good and evil for yourselves.
The evil that is Planned Parenthood is the attempted murder of God.
Genesis 9:6: “Whoever sheds man’s blood, By man his blood shall be shed; For in the image of God He made man.”
The evil that is Planned Parenthood is an evil that God will avenge.
Come quickly Lord Jesus.